Why Me ? This is the worst question to be asked to self

Never Say Why Me?

Many times when we face a wall, or encounter failure, or do not get what we wish for……

We ask ourselves Why Me?

Why was I chosen to be the target ? Why only I get this failure?

We should never say Why Me?

When we say Why Me? we accept we are failure and trigger to accept the worst.

This is a roller coaster downward spiral. Since when we accept all the failure. We find reasons to justify the failure. We will search reasons to find excuses for the failures.

Why Me? This question is very pessimistic and loaded with negative affirmation.

Our mind accepts this as a signal and will only produce or send signals to justify the cause.

We should never ask Why Me?

Infact we should explore and seek reasons to trigger mind for success.

When we stop blaming self, mind will send positive signals, positive suggestions, constructive options.

This positive triggers will channelize constructive actions. Constructive actions will support success, avoid the downward spiral.

Not asking Why Me, prevents depression, accelerates good hormones for better health.

So if you are in ditch, facing wall, being insulted , kept away from success…..Dont say Why Me?

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