Is it a Challenge for Hiring Senior Level Managers ?

Hiring Senior Level Managers is a Challenge for Small/Mid size Organization?

Most individuals write on topic of expertise or experience, I am deviating and writing this article as a posing question, to find answers.

I do not know the answer, so do not expect the same in rest of the article.

I decided to express few aspects which I am experiencing while looking for Senior Level Managers.

Individuals look for a change of job/organization for various reasons like better career, lucrative financial, learning opportunity, challenge etc.

It is not necessary that for an individual all the above or more parameters need to be satisfied for change. Sometimes any one or maybe two are sufficient to trigger the thought for change.

Incidentally the above criteria dominate in the early 2 to 10years of employment and also at high frequency of change.

The reason is appetite for growth and risk taking attitude is high in the early 10years of employment or in age of thirties.

Most individuals in early 40s and 10+years of professional experience are not governed by the above criteria but interestingly some different aspects.

I experienced they look for Organisations which offer stability, large established setup, Global setup of International reputation, steady defined role, minimal ambiguity of growth, incentive for family involvement etc.

Small/Mid size Organiations need to offer not one or two of the above, but most of the parameters to attract talented resources which will fit the Senior Level position.

Also since risk taking attitude diminishes such individuals need to be hunted and convinced to move or change.

Well this are my thoughts experienced while hiring………

I look ahead for additional thoughts to add to my knowledge….

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